A Delicious Gift: Stew For Two

Delicious stew and great gift idea!
Try substituting vegan protein alternatives, fresh mushroom varieties, and/or a seafood mix with fresh herbs instead of beef!

The Domestic Man

Recently, I’ve been thinking about living a simpler life. The idea started when I visited Mickey Trescott’s new home in the Willamette Valley over the summer, but it really solidified when we moved all of our things from Maryland to Florida last month – over 14,000 lbs worth of belongings. As we started unpacking boxes, I couldn’t help but think that I just didn’t need so much stuff. The worst part about it? We’re still unpacking.

So for the holidays this year, we’re trying to not buy any objects for each other. Instead, we’re gifting experiences. So this week’s recipe is going to be a little different from your usual Tuesday post; I’m going to walk you through how to make gifts to hand out to people that aren’t stuff. A couple years back I made a few gallons of my barbecue sauce and gave it away as…

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New year, new me! Detox

English: Raw Almond Milk. Brightened version o...

Image via Wikipedia

Day 1

Curry Chicken Potato Soup for breakfast

Prune Juice sipped on 46 0z throughout the day

I’m going to be posting daily, so if you want to follow me and detox as well, great!  In the beginning of your detox, you will want to consume cleansing energyburning foods/spices in a semi liquid form.  Incorporate a cleansing juice like prune, apple, or cranberry.

Pics to come…

Day 2

look at all the good stuff in here...tomato, carrot, celery, beet, parsley, lettuce, watercress, spinach

this 64 oz bottle cost me $2, that's it 🙂

100% Vegetable Juice sipped through breakfast

Ginger Root Tea with honey sipped while hot intermittently

Last night I was a little weak and starving so I decided to have some soup.  If you really feel weak and are really starving at any point, it is okay to have a dairy soup with yummy pureed veggies to keep you feeling full and give you energy.

I mashed some potato (or you can blend with skins on) for energy, added a little almond milk and butter (can use any nutritious oils instead of butter and any kind of milk you like), added some parmesan cheese, and a little crushed celery.  The veggies and dairy should be warmed a bit in a pot then poured over the warm mashed/pureed potato and mixed.  Then slowly sip with a spoon and accompany with a tea or lukewarm water.

This will give you energy without clogging your digestive system (that is the key).  You can also try any homemade pumpkin or pureed soup alone if you can sustain.  If you live alone the detox will be much easier, but kids or husbands or others in the house make it difficult if everyone is not detoxing together.

The object of the detox is to allow your body to concentrate on purging what it does not need.  Instead of our bodies constantly digesting all day and regenerating from toxins and BLAH! garbage, we want it to purge and replenish.  It’s almost like when our body is bored, it begins “eating” itself.  It’s like little people inside digging and digging for the unwanted enemies (even disease).  Some have been found to fast/detox themselves out of disease….don’t believe me?  Try doing some research on your own.

Remember to drink water and/or herbal tea throughout the day to hydrate, replenish, and cleanse your system to keep it working properly.  Your organs need to be well hydrated to perform properly and without pain.  At this point some may even start to recognize a new blemish or a ruddiness to the skin.  This is fine, actually great!  This is your bodies way of pushing the impurities out of the temple.  You may want to use an all natural skin polish/scrub, or mask during this time.  I use my Camwood Body Wash with tea tree and jojoba oil and my Rose H20 Balancing Face Mist (which has grapefruit seed EO, a great antioxidant) throughout the day to stay fresh and keep looking alive.

You may visit the online store http://www.healingthymeproducts.com or email me at healingthymeproducts@gmail.com for personal orders that may or may not be   online.

Day 3

By day 3, if you’re not one to take your daily vitamins, you may be feeling hunger pangs.  To avoid this you need to load up on fresh berries and citrus fruits.  Try to consume as many green veggies as you can.  If you have a juicer, you have the privileges of fresh juice, but if not it’s fairly easy purchasing 100% all natural juice from your local health food store.  A blender also comes in hand, and I think is most efficient.

-Fresh brewed green tea with honey and/or lemon (hot or cold, as much as you like

-Fresh in season berries, plain yogurt, milk, protein powder, honey, ice (use blender and enjoy cold and sip slowly, limit 2-3 glasses)

Bolthouse FarmsGreen Goodness (sip slowly, as much as you like)

  • Blend of 8 delicious juices/purees.
  • Packed with 14 powerful nutrients delivering unmatched healthy green phytonutrients.
  • No preservatives and nothing artificial.
  • Flash pasteurized and cold-filled for longer shelf life and superior nutrition.
  • 100% Juice, 100% Natural and no sugar added.
  • Gluten free.

And God said, “Behold, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is on the face of all the earth, and every tree with seed in its fruit. You shall have them for food.” Genesis 1: 29

Day 4

Yaay!!! If you’ve made it this far, you’re a champ!

Ok, so to speed up and deepen the healing properties of my 10 day yearly detox, I’ve decided to go primarily raw food.  Primarily raw food, but also consuming some soups and purees, and some breads and dairy.

Today I basically woke up and began drinking water.  As your body begins to heal, you will feel a bit lighter on your feet and begin sleepy a little better.  Although, you will want to consume more water (like the entire 24pk).

Breakfast consisted of an iceberg lettuce salad packed with tomatoes, cucumbers, and baby carrots…and yes, I did pour on the organic french dressing to taste YUM:)

Lunch consisted of dry whole oats with fruit and nuts mixed in, topped off with almond milk and cinnamon.  It’s okay to use dried fruit if you don’t have access to any fresh.  And you may want to drizzle a little honey over your cold cereal for sweetness if you are using fresh fruit (dried fruit tends to be naturally sweeter).




My very own green goodness:)

Now, I’m not going to lie…Bolthouse Farms Green Goodness can be a bit expensive.  Generally the small bottles are about $3 and the really large family size bottles are about $9.  Now…to cut cost and enhance ingredient content I stretch my green goodness.  Below is the recipe for MY GG shake:

2 handfuls of baby spinach

1 cup of your favorite yogurt (I used peach)

1 oz BH GG

1 0z water

Using the stick blender, I blended everything up.  This took about 5-8 minutes tops!  Absolutely delicious and surprisingly kind of sweet!!!

Until tomorrow, enjoy all the vitamins and antioxidants of your fresh Green Goodness…remember sip slowly and follow with a fresh ginger/herbal tea 🙂

*** 🙂 ALMOST THERE 🙂 ***

Day 6



Hot freshed brewed green tea with lemon

16 oz 100% apple juice


1 banana

5 broccoli heads

5 frozen strawberries

3 prunes

8 oz water

Blend together in cup with stick blender until smooth


Handful of baby carrots

Handful of raisins

1 broccoli stalk

Blue cheese dressing (my favorite, why not?)

Combine all in a bowl and pour dressing on top.  Enjoy!

until tomorrow…

Welcome back!

Day 7

(remember, if you no see/hear from me more than 24hrs continue on with current day instruction, eat fresh and raw veggies, drink plenty water and herbal tea until)

Okay so yaay!  Give yourself a pat on the back and a great big hug!  You made it.  Today we’re going to be finishing up our detox with some super foods and antioxidant rich drinks.

For breakfast we will open up with our very own MUESLI MIX (yes own it!).

Use as many fresh fruits and berries as possible today and fresh everything!  Seriously, if you have a goat, go get some milk.  If you have a garden… Fresh is always better.  Our foods go through so much pasteurization and preservation and dehydration and…you get the point.  Well through all of this processing we end up with less active enzymes, more salt, more sugar, more artificial preserves, YUCK!  This is what we DON’T want.


I cannot stress the importance of water enough!  Did you know “I got to go get some” is one of the top reason folks don’t get enough water???  I mean come on people, really?  Have we all been so brainwashed that we are unable to take care of ourselves and do what’s best for us according to nature???  “Oh, I got to go get some” -_- is the most lame excuse for not drinking your water.  Now mind you, I totally understand the cost of bottled water, it’s not cheap, no.  But in this day and time, we have to maintain health and economic security.  In my teenage years, off to college, etc., I was somewhat of a health nut and could ONLY drink the finest of all the bottled waters, but come on lol!  The one bottle of super water is how much per bottle?  $2.65?  Two for $5.00???  And how much water should we be drinking???  Yes, exactly.  I think you get the point.  Now on a more positive note and some options for all yous out there that just can’t get right!  Put down the plastic, pull out the boiler/pot/pan/etc (yes etc), you get the point.  Boil some darn water!  Boil long enough to kill the germs but not too long to allow it all to evaporate, and VOILA! we have fresh water.   It’s also awesome to go invest in a nice water filtration system and maintain regular upkeep, cleaning, and filter changing.

But personally, me the economist, the frugal goddess (don’t be jealous, you are a god/goddess too, or at least one in the makingJ), am satisfied with what I grew up on.  I am satisfied with wholesome, pureness, plain, and goodness.  You know?  The simple things, the simplicity of life always prevails in my book.

So yeah, boil some water and drink up.  The best way to get your water and supplements in is to infuse your herbs in the water while still hot or in the fridge while the water cools.  Get yourself a pitcher and pour a little lime/lemon juice in, and drop a few sprigs of fresh mint/rosemary, and enjoy.  I’m telling you Snapple, Fiji, Evian, WHATEVER, have nothing on our (yes own it!) water.


Raw broccoli, stalks and all!

Sour cream and dill sauce

Handful of raisins or prunes

Pour sauce/dressing over your broccoli or dip.  Enjoy your raisins/prunes in any leftover sauce.  Try incorporated healthy spices i.e. ginger, cardamom, masala, cayenne, fennel, etc.  Fresh ginger and pepper is also great and gets “the ball” rolling for easy flushing.

I will be updating dinner a little later as we will be concentrated on flushing and introducing.  Stay tuned, love you all!

Sincerely into our health,

Zena Cole


Small cup of yogurt (your choice)

Eight prunes (for Day 8, yay!)

Fresh/frozen/canned (minus syrup) peaches (as many as you like)

Fresh/frozen/canned pineapple (minus heavy or light syrup)

1 cup raisins

1 cup of rolled oats

Blend together in blender and sip slowly.  You can also add a little honey, 100% juice, or berries to the mix to sweeten.  This drink will satisfy you and is delicious, BUT you will begin to flush by morning.  AAAGH!! AAGH!  I know, what the heck is flush???!  In other words, you will probably be spending some time praying to the porcelain gods…lol!  No, seriously.  It’s not that bad.  Drinking the flush drink at night allows your body enough time to digest relieving you in the morningJ.

You may have as much as this as you like!

Tip: Have a cup or two of coffee followed by herbal tea to flush more.  Remember your body has dug very deep over the past week to purge or “pull out” various toxins, waste, and harmful foreign guck from your body that you must flush.


So until tomorrow…


Day 8

Flush yet? lol


1 cup of warm water with lemon juice

1 whole grapefruit

16 oz fresh brewed green tea unsweetened (sip slowly)


Small cup of yogurt (your choice)

Eight prunes (for Day 8, yay!)

Fresh/frozen/canned (minus syrup) peaches (as many as you like)

Fresh/frozen/canned pineapple (minus heavy or light syrup)

1 cup raisins

1 cup of rolled oats

Blend together in blender and sip slowly.  You can also add a little honey, 100% juice, or berries to the mix to sweeten.  This drink will satisfy you and is delicious, BUT you will begin to flush by morning.  AAAGH!! AAGH!  I know, what the heck is flush???!  In other words, you will probably be spending some time praying to the porcelain gods…lol!  No, seriously.  It’s not that bad.  Drinking the flush drink at night allows your body enough time to digest relieving you in the morning:).

You may have as much as this as you like!

Tip: Have a cup or two of coffee followed by herbal tea to flush more.  Remember your body has dug very deep over the past week to purge or “pull out” various toxins, waste, and harmful foreign guck from your body that you must flush.


So until tomorrow…


Remember to continue your meals by repeating recipes and steps above.  By fueling your body with whole and nutritious foods, you will be more full and satisfied.  So skipping a meal is fine, eat when you become hungry but have you meals already prepared.  It is best and easier to wash and chop fresh veggies and fruit, and brew herbal teas before you become hungry to ensure you stick to your plan.  It will make blending smoothies and mixing ingredients easier when it’s time to eat.

Flushing and Introducing is a method of flushing out the toxins drawn up from the detox and beginning to introduce new raw foods and vegetables.  Once your body has begun accepting/properly digesting, you can be on your way to a new you!  Try maintaining this new healthy lifestyle of whole food, raw fruits and vegetables, and quality protein, your body AND mind will thank you!

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