Salad for Breakfast?

What I totally enjoyed for breakfast:

Lately I’ve been hot and cold, hot and cold…ugh.  Haven’t really figured out why, but to balance it out I’m going with hot and cold food therapy. Just like a baby, when your body needs something it will let you know.  In many different ways your body tells you what it needs.  Whether it be a craving, constipation/diarrhea, breakouts, dry skin, etc.  For me, it was a craving.  My body just start craving “cool” foods then “hot” food, then “hot” and “cool” together.  So salad for breakfast is the perfect healthy treat for me.

You can try:

  • Mixed spring mix greens
  •  Spinach
  • mixed nuts
  • mandarin oranges
  • raisins/craisins
  • 1 or 2 whole “sunny-side up” or poached eggs



Get creative!  Mix leftover veggies/salads, grains, fruit (fresh/frozen/dried) and complete with fresh goat cheese and any unleavened bread.  Make it YOUR mix and own it.

Greek salad

Image via Wikipedia

Salad for breakfast is nothing new.  For millenias people have been eating salad for breakfast all around the world.  Many Middle Eastern and Mediterranean places enjoy mixes of tomato, cucumber, feta, olives, olive oils, egg, lemon juice, etc for breakfast.  Along with bread, cheese, and/or tea this type of breakfast is intensely enjoyable as well as balancing and nutritious.

Try it, let me know what you think and how you feel!

This type of change in lifestyle can prevent and treat inflammation of all sorts and bloating, weight problems, oil skin and acne, and much more.  Induces body absorption of essential nutrients and vitamins and promotes regularity in bowel movements.

Benefits of Carrot Juice

frischgepreßter Karottensaft

Image via Wikipedia

English: Bio carrot juice from Germany Françai...

Image via Wikipedia


Making carrot juice with my blender.

Image via Wikipedia

Top 10 Reasons to Drink Carrot Juice

  1. Low calories and very beneficial for weight loss
  2. Improves function and health of liver and digestive tract
  3. Contains cancer fighting Vitamin E
  4. Lessens association of aches and pains
  5. Good source of Vitamin A
  6. Improves eye-sight and aids in bone disorders
  7. Good source of cholesterol fighting potassium
  8. Carrot juice is extremely beneficial for the liver as it reduces fat and bile in the liver
  9. Anti-aging and revitalizes and tones the skin
  10. Rich in beta-carotene, an antioxidant that prevents cell degeneration



Juicing Recipes


Deficiencies in Vitamin A


Raw carrot is rich in nutrients like calcium, potassium., vitamin A, and vitamin C.


Because carrot juice contains high amounts of natural sugars, people with diabetes should consume lesser amounts of carrot juice.