A Delicious Gift: Stew For Two

Delicious stew and great gift idea!
Try substituting vegan protein alternatives, fresh mushroom varieties, and/or a seafood mix with fresh herbs instead of beef!

The Domestic Man

Recently, I’ve been thinking about living a simpler life. The idea started when I visited Mickey Trescott’s new home in the Willamette Valley over the summer, but it really solidified when we moved all of our things from Maryland to Florida last month – over 14,000 lbs worth of belongings. As we started unpacking boxes, I couldn’t help but think that I just didn’t need so much stuff. The worst part about it? We’re still unpacking.

So for the holidays this year, we’re trying to not buy any objects for each other. Instead, we’re gifting experiences. So this week’s recipe is going to be a little different from your usual Tuesday post; I’m going to walk you through how to make gifts to hand out to people that aren’t stuff. A couple years back I made a few gallons of my barbecue sauce and gave it away as…

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A little inspiration for you “non-salad eating newbies”, haha!

English: a fruit salad Deutsch: ein Obstsalat

A salad platter.
A salad platter. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Snotting black

Lately I’ve been eating salads. Don’t ask me why or how that’s happened, just accept the fact that it has, that sometimes the salads are salty, and that I eat them along with a slice of buttered bread. I think the roughage has cleared out the macaroni and cheese residue in my brain, which is why this blog post is hilarious.

Salads as a food item have always stressed me out. Something about a plate full of leafy greens puts me on edge and all of the sudden I feel like there’s no way in spades that I’ll be able to eat all of it, because it takes so freaking long. The leaves are so big, and the dressing is spread unevenly and the toppings are always the tastiest but they’re hidden in a forest of vitamin K and if I want to chop up the salad in order to…

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A girl with a book…some people’s greatest fear, wow.


Last Monday, my friend Olivia and I decided to launch this idea called #GIRLWITHABOOK. At the time we were venting to each other about how horrified and utterly disgusted we were by the Taliban’s sick attempt at killing Malala Yousafzai on her school bus, and we wanted to do something about it. We wanted to do something for Malala, and at the same time stick it to the Taliban. So Olivia says to me “Let’s get people to post pictures of themselves with books! A favorite book, a random book, a school book, you name it. And we’ll post it on facebook, twitter, etc. to show Malala our support.” My reaction: THIS IS AWESOME.

The Taliban showed what they are most afraid: A GIRL WITH A BOOK.

So that’s exactly what we did. We created a Facebook page, Pinterest board, Twitter account and a tumblr. It sounds…

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This post is awesome! Jule’s Fuel!



Jules' Fuel

We’ve all said or heard it before: “I just don’t have the tiiiime [for breakfast]!”

Often, it’s referring to some sort of processed or fast food, as a justified excuse to continue eating that Egg McMuffin, “healthy” protein bar, or a sugar-laden pastry.

So, we start our day with something lackluster, and maybe join the rest of our office co-workers in choosing the pastry of the day in the break room (because misery loves company!), and pay for the empty nutrients and their affect on our bodies later.

Then, we resort to coffee or diet soda (and you know how I feel about soda) to make up for the energy bonk.

Often, the dozens of hats we wear often take priority over our OWN health.

We’re daughters, sons,
Wives, husbands
Career men or women
Fathers, mothers,
Sisters, brothers,
(Fill in the blank).

However, what happens when we…

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A New Twist and Chicken Soup…YUMMY!

Mmm! AND Yummy!

Truffles Magazine

  photo source

With summer coming to an end in a short while (at least in some parts of the country) and fall upon us here’s a perfect recipe to make that’s uses rather simple ingredients and yet will be warm and tasty for the whole family. This recipe is courtesy of Ina Garten and Food Network.


  • 4 split (2 whole) chicken breasts, bone in, skin on
  • Good olive oil
  • Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper
  • 2 cups chopped onions (2 onions)
  • 1 cup chopped celery (2 stalks)
  • 2 cups chopped carrots (4 carrots)
  • 4 large cloves garlic, chopped
  • 2 1/2 quarts chicken stock, preferably homemade
  • 1 (28-ounce) can whole tomatoes in puree, crushed
  • 2 to 4 jalapeno peppers, seeded and minced
  • 1 teaspoon ground cumin
  • 1 teaspoon ground coriander seed
  • 1/4 to 1/2 cup chopped fresh cilantro leaves, optional
  • 6 (6-inch) fresh white corn…

View original post 210 more words

Mmm! AND Yum!

Truffles Magazine

  photo source

I try to always feature tasty recipes using everyday ingredients and ones that you will all enjoy and will end up making over and over again. I picked today’s recipe because it will give you some free time while its cooking in the oven to enjoy some time with your family or guests. This recipe below is courtesy of Alton Brown and Food Network.

Total Time:

1 hr 40 min


10 min


1 hr 30 min

Yield:6 servings


  • 1 whole chicken (broiler/fryer) cut into 8 pieces
  • 1/2 cup plus 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 10 sprigs fresh thyme
  • 40 peeled cloves garlic
  • Salt and pepper


Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.

Season chicken with salt and pepper. Toss with a 2 tablespoons olive oil and brown on both sides in a wide fry pan or skillet over high heat. Remove from heat, add oil…

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Anxiety Disorders on the Rise?


As many of us know, anxiety disorders are on the rise leaving us feeling hopeless and sometimes shameful.  Well, HTP is here to help.  The crazy world we live in can sometimes lead us to complete mania and in turn, leave us calling the doctor.  Doctors treat symptoms, mainly because that is what they are taught AND paid to do.  Congratulations to the doctors for doing such a great job!

The Anxiety Disorders Association of America (ADAA) estimates that anxiety rates have continued to rise steadily over the decades. Today, the ADAA estimates that more than 40 million people suffer from anxiety disorders in this country, based on prescription drug sales. And younger generations seem to be most affected. But if anxiety disorders really are on the rise, the question is…why?



Honestly, we are responsible for ourselves, at all times.  If the roof is leaking, are you going to keep putting pot and pans and buckets down (don’t answer)?  Eventually, we’ll have to repair/replace the roof or whatever is causing the leak, right?  That’s how life works when it comes to healing and growth.  Treating the symptoms is only temporary, strengthening the wound/damage opposed to actually treating the root matter.

We’re not putting the blame on anyone.  Congratulations to a job well done.  But now it is crucial we do our job well, which is being responsible for ourselves and our health.  That is what breaks the cycle.  Many people are searching for ways and support to enable themselves to be a better person.  That is the ultimate goal in life, right?

The purpose of this blog is not to point fingers, but to identify the stimuli of the cause and effect and provide treatment and help.  We’ve created a resource where people from all walks of life can gain insight on true healing.  Read, learn, and benefit from the tried and true information provided.  Coming soon, we will be unveiling prominent anxiety disorders, natural treatments and regimens, and great information related to this topic!  Just click on the ‘Anxiety’ category or visit http://www.healingthymeproducts.com blog page.

*We are not here to replace doctors’ orders, but to be a resource and support for mankind.